Saturday, August 10, 2013

A great family visit!

A whirlwind tour as it always is to Ontario - off to Niagara to see the Pasquino's, a stunning wedding (thanks to the beautiful bride Tina and Groom Will)  in Guelph, a suprise baby shower and down to Northbay to see the Therriault/Roscoes...a great time all around!

My Cousin TJ's beautiful baby Madison just 5 weeks old and the newest addition to the Pasquino clan!

Its cold!!

Two pea's in a pod - bonding over spinach milkshakes!

Extreme grandma love!

My gorgeous great nephew (that's right - GREAT) hanging with Oscar

A 'special treat'

Not sure who is having the better time!

A hat for uncle pooh !

1 comment:

Ashley said...

All these pictures are fantastic! Looks like you had a great trip, so great to see you an Ro and look forward to the next visit!!